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There are some ideas I’d like to make reality and hoping to find likeminded people who have the technological and other means of making it happen.

In his book “Halftime: Moving from Success to Significance”, Bob Buford in a nutshell proposes that like a football game, the first half of life is about figuring things out and making money and the second half is about making and investing time. As a Canadian, I take the analogy to Hockey and say there’s a third period, where we give back, instead of just building our legacy in the second half, we build into the first period of new players and mentor, support, coach and support them. Third Period is about connecting the experienced and connecting them with the up and coming, based on their passion, profession and proficiency. If a young person is starting a new company, maybe a retired person has experience in the legal and financial aspects of this and can help out and volunteer their time or offer it at reduced rates. Just because people get old, they don’t lose their value. Seeking to build a website that can match those seeking mentees and mentors and connect them. Like dating, only for mentors.

NGOs do great work in many countries, and yet the extent of poverty is still widespread and the causes including corruption is still rampant. TransForm intends to be an organization that takes on projects – in education, health care, infrastructure, utilities, or anything requested – and with the help of experts from around the world, provide solutions for specific problems with the intent to beautify and simplify and clean up the world one community at a time. Communities and/or their governments would reach out and express interest in a project, experts would be found and attached to the project and local labour would be involved with local funding to get the job done. The intent is to take the environmental influences of poverty and reverse them, building into the communities and their members a new sense of pride, ownership and purpose to seek more and reach higher. Building a site that allows experts to register to volunteer their expertise means they don’t need to (but can) go overseas to work on projects. This solution can maximize on gains in remote teamwork, planning and collaboration.